15 December 2006

I found the Panorama function, and it was good...

Well its that time again to post up some more pics... i love this camera... it's awesome... I'm in a rush so i cant type much but I've got a huge update coming in a couple of days guys... oh yeah and if you cant tell... i have this affinity for ellipses... deal with it... :P anyways... on with the eye candy...

This is me right after i had just gotten up to go running... Man i was tired... That spot on my shirt is water from a drink... I thought i looked too mean in this pic so i took on of me smilin for all y'all...

heh... i hate my smile lol... Been workin out though... *Flex* haha anyways lol...

(no caption necessary) ((Picture is worth a thousand words, especially with this girl)) (((Love ya)))...

I love her dark, gorgeous eyes... I get lost in em... Merry Christmas y'all...

You can see a zoom shot of that clock tower in the distance. That lady's name is Panna. Shes a co-worker that was driving around with me on base...

Some sort of observation tower in Baghdad (location withheld for security reasons) Still a pretty sweet zoom shot...

This is a Panaramic shot of the FakeLake that was built for Oday Hussein (Saddams Crazy ass son.) That bastard... Glad hes dead...

Un yeah... i think i was playing a Fighting game when i took this snapshot lol... kinda badass looking lol... not much else to take pictures of at 11:30 at night haha...

The un-finished Palace of Saddam Hussein. Talk about downgraded... He went from this to his hole in the ground haha. What a chump. the cranes just sort of stayed there... lol...

Until we talk again yall... Hey if you want to write me or send me stuff (wink wink) address to:

SSgt Josh S Garrett
UNIT 42129
APO AE 09342

And my Email is Somnioblivio@gmail.com

at work, my unclassified email is joshua.garrett@iraq.centcom.mil
and if for some reason you have access to a classified computer, myclassified email is...
haha gotcha.. its classified. :P


10 December 2006

So freakin painful...

Ok, so a funny thing occurred to me today out of the blue... Have you ever done something so incredibly embarrassing that you wanted to just run from the room screaming? We'll about a year or so ago while i was still stationed at Lackland and i was working at Medina... i knew this Girl who was pregnant the last time i had seen her. The next time I had seen her, had to have been about 4-5 months after i found out that she was pregnant. So i saw her one day in one of the establishments on base and i asked her when she was due... she was with some guy, and she appeared to be about ready to pop! We'll she gave me this look as if she had must seen a Puppy get shot in the middle of a playground. Ab-so-lute-ly crushed and she goes “i had her about two months ago”

OH EM Effin' Gee!!

i wanted to run from the room... well... run from it screaming lol. It was excruciating... ODD moment! So i tried to play it off with oh yeah thats awesome... whats her name.. you know... completely disregarding the fact that i just basically call but called her a complete heffer. :( so yeah that was the worst thing ever... and i thought id share with you one of the millions of random thoughts that stop in to say hello to muh brain every day.

Oh and P.S. Its raining cats and dogs out here in iRaq. Who'd have thunk it. Y'all write me to meh email and leave me some comments!! mailto:somnioblivio@gmail.com

Love y'all


07 December 2006

Strike a pose... There's nothin to it...

(you can click on the picture to make it bigger... :) )

God bless Army construction.. Lord knows they try.... :P

Theres three things you should take from this picture, they are:
1. The surprisingly beautiful Iraqi Sky at 9AM
2. Some sweet, geared out Hummers
3. The ARMY doing what they do best in the lower bottom right of the pic. haha...

This is a picture of one of the officers from Saddam's former Regime. Its now ours. :)


Anyways guys... just wanted to pass on the good stuff....

My 1st day off since November the 9th is coming up on saturday!! (that's friday night for you guys :P) and i plan on taking about 5.4 million pictures of the base... i'll talk to you guys later :)


05 December 2006


Tonight proved to be yet another interesting experience in my life and times here in iCrack. I was walking back to work from dinner chow with Leedy, Frazee, and Naylor. No big, we were all cutting up about something funny that had happened at work... I can’t even remember what it was all about but anyways… we were walking along and out of no where the area notification siren started issuing a steady unwavering tone. Damn it was loud… we couldn’t have been more than 30 meters from it. We all froze. We looked at each other and no longer than 20 seconds later a voice and message came that none of us ever wanted to hear. The speaker bellowed:


We all bolted instantly toward the barriers as if we were madmen after someone. It was a little bit odd, watching everyone scatter like ants toward safety. So we posted up behind the barrier (this barrier was about 15 feet high and made of two foot think concrete) we felt a little safe. So we waited and waited… nothing. Pins and needles for five minutes… it was excruciating! then over the loud speaker, comes the same voice, false alarm… carry on, ALL CLEAR!” we all looked at each other and burst into laughter. Then we proceeded to make fun of how each other ran and how we all thought that everyone else was all scared. I wasn’t scared… I swear… honest… haha :P

I mean it was a sort of feeling that made me feel like “This is going to be sweet!” But yeah, we continued to walk back to work as if nothing had happened. This place is going to give me a heart attack I swear it. Lol.


04 December 2006

Finally, some pictures...

Ok so i finally dragged my Hard drive down to the MWR (Morale Wellness centeR) i think lol any yeah so whatever, here they are... more to come i swear... I've just got like zero downtime around here y'all

This tat is the one that i got for my little (in a manner of speaking) brother Eric. I sure love that guy, im jealous of him sometimes... he just seems so down to earth, I think about him a lot... I sure miss him...

This tat is for my sisters Erin and Toni Marie. A beautiful Rose for each beautiful Sister.

This is the very 1st picture that i took with my brandy new camera. Im in DCU's and i've been up for atleast 30 hours in this Picture. Damn i needed a haircut haha

This is one of Saddam's old palaces... This is where i will be Re-enlisting... 43K signing bonus Cha ching! Can we say new house? yeah baby...

Some of the local Haji... they love posing for the Americans haha.... one thing i love about them... they are all tiny, haha! I've not seen more than a handful that were anywhere close to as tall as I am... it's awesome... oh yeah... one thing that i dont really like about them...they dont really bathe over here... so most of them smell like doo doo... ;(

So yeah, when we came over here, we just sort of said.. "yeah these buildings... they are ours now"... I have no idea what this building is but it's pretty sweet looking haha

i have this thing for extreme close-ups...

I know its blurry, i just thought that it looked way awesome...

I think that i had just woken up about 15 mins before I took this pic... interesting angle with the wide angle lens... I'm not sure why im smiling cause its a goofy grin kinda smile... oh well.. gotta stay positive.. only 29.4 million seconds to go! haha

Dead ass tired mug shot. Ive got some landscape shots i swear... ive not been sure as to where i can and cannot take my camera until just a few days ago...
1 AM iraqi style... headed home from talking to lenell... she keeps me up at night... in fact im gonna call her as soon as i get off the phone here... man... lemee check... yep, i still miss her so much.
I am Holy s**t sleepy here but for some reason i was messing around with the color function and i found the 'Sepia' setting... i think it looks sweet cause it looks like those old western photos... haha

Well yall this took like almost an hour to upload so as soon as i get the satellite feed in my room, im sure that i'll be posting more pics... untill then... talk to yall later....

I love the smell of mortar fire in the morning...

So I was sleeping this morning when out of no where, at about 4:30 in the morning, I was awoken to a loud “BOOM.” I bolted straight up and looked around… the blast couldn’t have been more than ¾ of a mile away... about 3 seconds later, I heard a “BOOM BOOMBOOM!” 3 more blasts, each louder than the last. My heart was pounding out of my chest… when I managed to get my wits about me, I remembered the Email that I had received the night prior. The Email was talking about controlled detonations that the base would be doing at random times on various days throughout the week. The reason that they were doing these detonations is considered sensative information and cant be discussed here... :(

Anyways, my room mate looked absolutely terrified. With the look on his face, my knowledge of what was actually going on, and –this is where it gets good- the fact that I knew that Frazee (my room mate) had left early and had most likely not read the email… afforded me the opportunity to play a little Practical joke. Lol.

So I look over to Frazee after the last blast and yelled, “Were taking fire! Get ur Shit on! Gear! Gun! Go!” haha he was out of bed in .5 seconds and had his IBA (Individual body armor (I think)) and his Kevlar helmet along with his M-16 at port arms and was out the door all in the matter of about 20 seconds. It was hilarious. The funniest part was that he was all geared out.. but he was wearing Pajama bottoms and a PT shirt underneath his armor. It looked ridiculous.

So I let him stand outside for about 2 mins then I got up and told him what was really going on and we both just lost it. I told him how hilarious he looked and I took a picture (which I will upload later) and then he proceeded to Judo chop me in the neck and then went back to bed ‘till he had to get up. That’s how my morning went. Absolutely freaking hilarious.


03 December 2006

Pictures of me...

So i finally found my Photoblog... ( i lost the link to it when i wiped my computer about 6 months ago) yeah anyways its at this link. Yeah i plan on posting pictures up here as much as i can... unless i can find a place that hosts larger pictures... i yall know of any place id be happy to post my larger pics there... thanks yall


Day 22

Well it’s now day 22 in Iraq. I’ve really been meaning to start this sooner than later but as it is right now, I work from 6 am to about 9 pm every day… that’s Monday to Monday ha-ha. I’ve been working since… well… since I got off the plane. Oh well its not that I have much else to do. My trailer is nice and the food at the DFAC (Dining Facility, Army Contracted affectionately referred to as the Chow hall) is pretty good. I’ve got a running theory that the meals are on a two week rotation lol. I’ll confirm this one in a few months. But yeah they have a nice selection of food, its pretty sweet. We had a huge meal for Thanksgiving last week which eased the pain of not being with loved ones. ‘Meh’, I’ve gotten used to being separated from the ones that I love, so I imagine that it’s not as hard on me as it is for others.

So I was playing around with excel this morning and I made a running counter program… I punched in when I got here and when I’m leaving and here are the stats:

As of 2:12:57 PM, 3 December 2006, I’ve been here:

3.1 Weeks
22 Days
518 hours
31,093 Minutes
1,865,577 Seconds
And I’m 5.9% complete with my trip here
I will give up a total of 4.13% of my life here in Iraq in service of this “glorious” ( lol) war.

Not bad id say.. its seems to have gone by really fast but the worst part about my calculator is the next section that I added lol, that’s the “how much time I have left” part heres what I came up with:

As of 2:12:57 PM, 3 December 2006, I’ve got this much time left:

11 Months
49.1 Weeks
343 Days
8,214 hours
494,507 Minutes
29,670,423 Seconds
And I’ve got 94.1% of my trip left haha

Kinda depressing if ya look at it from that perspective. Oh wells… my boss just got on my ass cause I spent more than 5 mins away from my work computer… I gotta run… ttyl yall


P.S. I love ya Lenell :P