10 December 2006

So freakin painful...

Ok, so a funny thing occurred to me today out of the blue... Have you ever done something so incredibly embarrassing that you wanted to just run from the room screaming? We'll about a year or so ago while i was still stationed at Lackland and i was working at Medina... i knew this Girl who was pregnant the last time i had seen her. The next time I had seen her, had to have been about 4-5 months after i found out that she was pregnant. So i saw her one day in one of the establishments on base and i asked her when she was due... she was with some guy, and she appeared to be about ready to pop! We'll she gave me this look as if she had must seen a Puppy get shot in the middle of a playground. Ab-so-lute-ly crushed and she goes “i had her about two months ago”

OH EM Effin' Gee!!

i wanted to run from the room... well... run from it screaming lol. It was excruciating... ODD moment! So i tried to play it off with oh yeah thats awesome... whats her name.. you know... completely disregarding the fact that i just basically call but called her a complete heffer. :( so yeah that was the worst thing ever... and i thought id share with you one of the millions of random thoughts that stop in to say hello to muh brain every day.

Oh and P.S. Its raining cats and dogs out here in iRaq. Who'd have thunk it. Y'all write me to meh email and leave me some comments!! mailto:somnioblivio@gmail.com

Love y'all



Eric & Sherryl Garrett said...

Been there, Done that one!
Hee hee hee!

Destiny said...

Oh lordy..how uncomfortable...lol

I would cry if that happened to me hehe..

On another note, I am super happy for you and your girly girl. :D